World War-II, Cold War, World Order, Unipolar World, New World Order, BRICS, Preventive Diplomacy, United Nations, Peace Keeping, Peace MakingAbstract
The transformation of world order from bipolar to unipolar following the collapse of the
Soviet bloc reflected paradigm shift in global power politics. It was in the wake of the end
of the cold war in 1991 that the then American President George H.W. Bush came up with
the concept of ‘New World Order.’ Twenty eight years after the end of cold war the world
is transforming from unipolar to multipolar. The decline of American power and the rise
of a new power bloc composed of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa known as
BRICS, will in coming decades reshape world order. Pakistan as the world’s six populous
country and the only nuclear state in the Islamic world will face enormous challenges in
the transformational phase of world order. How Pakistan will deal with global issues
fraught with tests and trials is a major question. This paper will analyze issues which tend
to deepen the level of insecurity in global power structure and to what extent there is a
possibility of averting global disorder in the wake of environmental, economic and
security threats.