Cyber Warfare, Social Media, Propaganda, National Will, Morale and Public OpinionAbstract
In order to achieve political aims; the traditional means of kinetic warfare have always
been supplemented by aggressive diplomacy, economic coercion, intelligence gathering,
propaganda and proxy wars. A combination of all these tools is essential for a nation to
achieve its political goals set out to win a war. All through the ages, technology has played
a significant role in enhancing the capacity and capability of nations to win wars. The
tools of modern warfare based on cyber and information technology has transformed the
nature of warfare. Social media in particular is being used subtly as well as aggressively to
shape public opinion and weaken the morale of the nation. The geographical dimensions
of the battlefield have been eliminated. War is now waged in the minds of not only the
opposing commanders but also in the minds of the nation. The dictum that strategy is the
dialectic of opposing will is truer now than ever before. Wars can now be won without
firing a single bullet. This changed nature of warfare needs to be understood in its entirety.
While contingency plans exist in military headquarters to counter a physical invasion,
there is little by way of collectively responding to the threats launched from various
technical platforms. This paper is an attempt to look into the transformation of war
fighting and suggests a few policy options for Pakistan to take up the challenges of hybrid
warfare and keep the national will and morale intact during the worst of times.