San Remo Peace Conference, Turmoil, Critical Geopolitics, Kurds, Syrian Refugees, Politics of DiversityAbstract
Turmoil in the Arab core of Middle East is rooted in the Belfour Declaration of 1917 with
legal implications under International Law. This injustice rooted in the Post World
War-II settlements has been the cause of Arab-Israeli wars. Since Islamic Revolution in
Iran, the region is further polarized due to rivalry between Iran and Saudi Arabia. In this
complexity, a new dimension has been added since US invasion of Iraq 2003. The socio
economic dynamics related with the process of globalization have created
discontentment and unrest in the masses. Since 2011, the agitation and revolt due to
rising levels of expectations, economic inequality and widespread corruption has resulted
in change of regimes. In Syria and Yemen the civil war has unleashed humanitarian
crises. All this requires a new approach based on critical international relations
literature to incorporate understanding of language, culture, tradition and norms to
bring change and sustainable development.