About the Journal

In an environment of rapidly transforming geopolitical realities, a more comprehensive all-encompassing deeper understanding of the issues is necessary. Pakistan’s existence and success in achieving its critical objectives is dependent on our comprehensive understanding of the environment around us, as well as our ability to convince others about our positions. Given the complex global political and geo-strategic environment, Pakistan needs a delicate strategic balancing and intricate policy maneuvers. The policy makers as well as academicians of defence, politics and international relations have to create resonance between the real world issues and strategic thought. There is a need to bridge the gap between real world of strategy and its theoretical, intellectual counterpart. Therefore, Strategic Thought Journal has been ploughed in to the national fabric of the academic scheme which focuses on strategic concepts and their relevance with real world.

Current Issue

Vol. 6 No. 1 (2024): Strategic Thought-2024
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Focus and Objective of the Journal

  • The policy makers as well as academicians of defence, politics and international relations have to create resonance between the real world issues and strategic thought. 
  • There is a need to bridge the gap between real world of strategy making and its theoretical, intellectual counterpart. Therefore, a journal of ‘Strategic Thought’ is essential.
  • The journal would help us to develop strategic culture which can create a framework that can give answers as to why certain policy options (and not others) are pursued by Pakistan and other states. 
  • Primary objective of ‘Strategic Thought’ journal would be to comprehend strategic environment, timely appreciate its impact on Pakistan’s strategic interests
  • Developing own strategic response options for decision makers besides projecting the same among the relevant national and international strategic circles. 
  • ‘Strategic Thought’ would primarily be aiming at highlighting major issues pertaining to the foreign policy framework and strategic relations of Pakistan among the comity of nations. 
  • Effort would be to win (hard and soft) wars without waging them.